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Unit 5 Assignment Strategy in the Global Environment

Unit 5 Assignment

Q Assignment: Your Business Strategy in the Global Environment This week’s materials focus on your innovations and creativity in a global environment. Congratulations! You have just started a new business! Your assignment has three parts, but is submitted in one paper. 1. First, tell me what your new business is. Do you provide a service, or a product? Define this business you have spent so much time dreaming of starting. 2. Next, develop a PEST Analysis using this template: PEST-analysis-template-doc.doc . 3. Finally, describe how you are going to grow this business in the global environment. Here are the requirements: • For Parts 1 and 3, develop a Word document and clearly label each section. Use APA formatting (no Abstract required). Focus on quality of writing and content, as opposed to length. • For part 2, use the PEST Analysis Template. Your PEST analysis needs to be placed in an appendix section of this combined paper. • Review and follow the grading rubric • Submit your completed assignment (1 paper with all 3 parts) to the SafeAssign link by Sunday at 11:59 pm (EST).

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The proposed business will provide special categories of products to customers and organizations. However, the products will not be new but recycled ones. There will be recycled products provided for the purpose of green packaging to customers as well as to organizations. There will also be recycled products provided for the purpose of green marketing to organizations to showcase their products. The organizations buying my organization’s recycled products can utilize them to convince global customers about measures taken to preserve/protect the environment. The retail industry organizations will be targeted customers for my business to pitch for selling of the proposed recycled products.